About Us

Thanks for your interest in our shop. We’ve been providing quality wooden wagon wheels for sale in many sizes and styles to our customers for nearly sixteen years now. All of our wheels, even decorative, are built from hardwood Hickory. From 10” wheels for a small flower cart to 57” Cannon wheels that hold thousands of pounds.

We stress quality and customer service. Its been a good plan so far. If you don’t see it here on our web site, please feel free to give us a call about your project. Chances are we can do it. We’ve done some really unique jobs, and we welcome a challenge.

Our customer base has spanned everyone from a grandmother needing a wheel for decor in her garden to movies, commercials, and government contractors. All of you are important to us, its how we pay our bills. In addition to wooden wheels, we are now building steel wagon wheels. We also build standard or custom size wagons and vending carts, wheels for chandeliers, Trek carts, you name it.

Again, if you have questions or concerns, give us a call. I want your experience dealing with us to be a good one. We’ve meet many awesome people over the course of our run, and made some good friends too.

All the Best to you and Yours, Eric Chamberlain.
Co-owner, Custom Wagon Wheels.
Toll Free: (877) 261-5432

Email: info@customwagonwheels.com